Saturday, December 28


Soul searching in Maldives.
Warm breeze
Fine sand
Lukewarm sea waters
Ice cold beer
Colliding tides
Clear blue sky
Endless peace
Nothing can compare to Mother nature.

Monday, December 16

The one.

Let there be hope
Let there be joy
Let there be sunshine
Let there be freedom
Let there be love.

Thursday, December 12

A day in Perth.

Summer Perth.
Renowned artists.
Breath-taking art pieces.
From landscapes, portraits to still art.
Inspirational experience.

Saturday, December 7

Yes it is, the ugly world.

Does anyone ever feels lost, in a crowded place?
Today, i feel a sudden pang of emptiness.

Loneliness and fear sinks in like uninvited quicksand.
The world that i have been familiar with was just my illusion.
We speak the same language, but there were no concrete connections.
Doing for the sake of doing. Die for the sake of dying.

Do we have a choice all the time?
Time will not wait.
We, humans have the same kind of heartbeat, but we have different souls.
I feel like a wounded soldier fighting the battle all by herself, while others are busy with matters of their own.
I wonder too, what is the reason for working so hard.
Does anyone understand? Does anyone appreciate?
I reckoned so.

There are countless of things i observed in people that i disagreed with, unpleasantly too much.
Do people see what i saw?
Perhaps i am just an outcast weirdo.

Is there anyone who can give me the strength to move on?